Ben Storms
If the Belgian designer Ben Storms likes to surprise and captivate, he also seeks to include each of his works in an ecological and responsible approach. For Storms, the durability of the works is essential, and requires him to place the material at the center of his practice.
Refusing any limit, seeking to draw from each material its infinite possibilities, the artist gives free speech to the form by sublimating its imperfections, uses techniques which leave the spotlight to the random, such as freely blown metal, without mold , and thus recreates the link between pure craftsmanship, modernity and innovation in its choices.
Among his works, the "InVein" marble table, whose starting point was a block of pure gray marble from the Ardennes, will particularly mark the spirits and will be worth to its creator, in 2015, the Henry Van de Velde prize.
The result of a long search for atypical techniques and very meticulous manual work, "InVein" marble has been melted down to become a thin table. Resting on trestles, the plate can also be placed vertically against a wall, thus revealing its lower surface, covered with an astonishing convex mirror.