Pierre Bonnefille

Pierre Bonnefille Carbon Painting 16

$36,519.00 USD Esaurito
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The "Carbon Paintings", created by Pierre Bonnefille in 2017 are the exploration of light in its most silent expression.

This piece" Carbon Painting 16" remind us of the subtle undulations of the water and the calm atmosphere it emanates, the ‘Carbon Paintings’ evoke the moon’s reflection on the nocturnal sea, the vibrations of this white light, especially at night, gives the darkness its mystical quality. The materials used for these "Carbon Paintings", matte and shiny, reveal black chimeras and forms which appear and disappear when in contact with the light on the opaque and dark surface, defying the laws of physics.

Through this, the dark becomes the light, Pierre Bonnefille is reversing the rapport, combining the paradoxes of the subtle and insular works
Informations produit

Height: 215 cm (84.6 Inches). Length: 215 cm (84.6 Inches).


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