Fornasetti, the master of his craft.
All of them. Piero Fornasetti has tried his hand at everything. Creating, diverting and reworking everything he could. Design furniture, interior decorating, ceramics, silk scarves and ready-to-wear accessories... Fornasetti's range of products is as long as a Prévert inventory, humor included.
Maison Fornasetti is based in Milan, where the company was founded and conceived by the artist himself as a workshop for the production of his early works. A place where the Maestro could work side by side with craftsmen to create coherence between the decor and the design of the objects. His first boutique opened in Milan in 1992, but his creations toured the world, instantly recognizable. Over the decades, the Atelier retained total control over the production of all Fornasetti pieces, ensuring the quality of the range. After Piero Fornasetti's death, his son Barnaba took over the reins of the company, overseeing the entire design and production chain. The Atelier also houses the Fornasetti Archives, a vast collection of all Piero Fornasetti's original creations, collected over his fifty-year career. Today, the Archives provide an inexhaustible source of visuals that are used to create new collections.
Fornasetti has collaborated with numerous designers and luxury brands to create unique lines and exclusive editions: notably with Philippe Stark, Giò Ponti, Bardelli Ceramiche, Xilo 1934, United Perfumes, Cole & Son, Bitossi Ceramiche and Nigel Coates.
LECLAIREUR is honored to host the world's largest collection of Fornasetti pieces, combining rigor, imagination and an almost mystical sense of humor.