The Tokyo-based Ambush brand, the brainchild of self-taught designer Yoon Anh and her producer and hip-hop artist husband Verbal, was initially developed in 2008 as an experimental jewelry collection. The brand's unisex highlights quickly became popular with the most daring fashionistas. The label's rapid expansion leads to a multitude of collaborations with coveted artists and fashion icons before the launch of its very first ready-to-wear collection in 2018. Pieces with references to vintage Americana collide with sleek hip-hop styles, while utilitarian hardware, irreverent graphic T-shirts and military-inspired mesh accessories sit comfortably with massive link bracelets and necklaces. Ambush's streetwear creations stem from the fiercely intrepid spirit and undeniable magnetism of its founders: a resolutely rebellious and inimitable approach to design.